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2- Ask a Car Accident Lawyer
- What happens after the car accident as far as my injuries are concerned?
According to our team of car accident lawyers, the police are going to ask you if you need an ambulance. You should request an ambulance. This will be your first opportunity to create a paper trail of what your injuries are. Also, when the insurance adjuster evaluates your claim, they give your injuries more weigh if you request an ambulance. If you don’t, you’ll hear from the adjuster “if the accident was so bad, why didn’t you request an ambulance?”
• What happens when you arrive at the ER?
The EMTs are going to transport you to a local emergency room. Once you get to the hospital, the staff is going to perform a triage. This means they are going to prioritize their patients by who has the more urgent/severe injury.

Once you are seen by the ER physician, you will receive an x-ray if they suspect you have a fracture. If they suspect you have a spine injury/brain injury, you will receive a CT scan. MRIs are a more sensitive diagnostic study that are generally not performed in an emergency room setting. An MRI will be performed in an out-patient setting, after discharge.
• How important is it to give a full history?
It is crucially important to give a full history of present illness when you speak with the hospital staff. Oftentimes patients learn months later that they sustained a torn ligament in your shoulder or knee. These injuries are diagnosed with MRI imaging. If the initial complaint is made contemporaneously, it’s easy to make a causal connection between the crash and the injury.
• Under what circumstances will I get admitted?
There are typically two situations where we see patients admitted to the hospital following a crash: (1.) If the fracture is displaced which will necessitate an emergency surgery to reset the bone with hardware. This is known as an open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF). (2.) If there is some type of brain hemorrhaging that will require you to be observed until the bleeding resolves. Otherwise, you will be discharged with a prescription for a muscle relaxant and instructed to follow up with your PCP.
If you do not request an ambulance, you should go to an urgent care or ER as soon as possible. The larger the gap in treatment, the greater the likelihood that the adjuster is going to disclaim subsequent treatment.
- What happens after the car accident as far as my vehicle is concerned?
Typically, you would contact your insurance company and set up a collision claim. An adjuster will appraise the damage to your car and you will receive a check to cover the repairs. If the other driver is at fault, his insurance is going to reimburse your insurance for the property damage. Sometimes your insurance company gets lazy and will suggest that you deal directly with the other insurance company. That is not a good idea because your goal be to get your car repaired as soon as possible.